Experience the Valdichiana at the table with the producers
Half-seasoned Pecorino di Pienza cheese
Half-seasoned Pecorino di Pienza cheese

500gr vacuum-sealed package

A cheese that remains impressed in your palate by its taste delicacy and soft and compact consistency, which melts in mouth and leaves the sweet taste of sheep’s milk: this is the half-seasoned Pecorino di Pienza from Cugusi Silvana cheese factory, produced by her and her family for more than 50 years in the Montepulciano dairy, with a maturation of about 60 days accompanied by a treatment of the peel with tomato paste, according to the traditional recipe

Origin territoryMontepulciano 
Short supply chain/Km0Short supply chain  
IngredientsPasteurized sheep’s milk, salt, rennet, probiotics
FormatAbout 500 gr vacuum-sealed package
AllergensMilk and derivatives

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